1. Hah, hah! I pilfered my e-card image from Graham; hope he doesn’t mind!
    Have a marvelous Eve–I imagine we will be singing in choir at the same hour…

  2. maria said:

    Very funny… Merry Christmas, though. 🙂

  3. Beth said:

    Yes, we will, Marly. In fact I’m heading to the metro in an hour and a half: 2:30 rehearsal for the 4:00 Lessons&Carols, then a choir potluck, then 9:30 rehearsal for the 11:00 Eucharist. Wishing you and everyone a wonderful Eve too!
    A Merry (and Warm!)Christmas, Maria!

  4. Hattie said:

    Great pic. Ha ha.
    Hope you are keeping warm up there in the frozen North.

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